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Welcome back to Rev Up with the Brett/Robinson Revenue Management team!

Here in the revenue management department, we are often asked what we are doing to ensure you are getting as much exposure and revenue as possible.  We get calls from owners who are worried that things are not moving as quickly as last year, from owners who have heard that their neighbors are outperforming them, or owners who just don’t feel like they’re getting enough revenue, and feel like it should be doing better.

Today, we’re going to help you understand what our team and our best-in-class marketing team do on a regular basis to ensure your property gets the attention it needs if it starts falling behind in revenue.

  • Hot Units and Hot Deals – Here are the links to our Hot Units and Hot Deals pages.  These pages are designed to help increase exposure for your unit and convert better than anywhere else on our website!
  • Call Center Contests – we regularly send over lists of units and track their sales to reward agents who sell the most bookings of units that we’ve provided.
  • Updating AirBnB/VRBO Listings and Using Boost Credits – We often look in detail at what a unit looks like to a guest on VRBO or AirBnB to determine if the unit could use a “headline refresh”.  If we need to, we’ll rewrite a unit’s headline in an attempt to get things moving better.  With our size as a customer, we also regularly accumulate “boost credits” that we’re able to use for these units.
  • Adjusting Rates – If we notice that a unit’s performance has fallen behind and additional exposure doesn’t seem to be making enough difference, we always dig in to make sure the rates look to be great for the unit, and adjust if something doesn’t look right.

How do we determine which properties need a little boost?

Our Internal Focus List!  We use a proprietary in-house scoring system to evaluate all units on a weekly basis and give each unit a score based on revenue and revenue night performance of the unit vs. itself at this point last year, as well as vs. the average for similar properties.  We use this list to help with the tasks listed above.  We typically look at three separate lists when we create our focus list: a “full year” score, a “30 day” score and a “90 day” score.  Here’s an example of a breakdown in scores that we’d use for a “whole year” scoring list:

We understand the importance of your unit’s revenue performance, and as a department, our number one goal is to ensure that your unit is maximizing revenue to the best of its ability.  As a team and a company, we are dedicated and use these methods to make sure we’re never leaving a single unit behind!

If you have any questions or suggestions on what you’d like to see us discuss here in the future, please shoot an email to us at and we’d be happy to dive in and discuss!