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December 7th, 1941

Each year, the United States commemorates December 7 as Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, honoring the 2,403 Americans whose lives were ended that fateful morning in 1941.

The surprise attack on the Pearl Harbor naval base decimated the United States Navy’s Pacific fleet.  But while the adversary accomplished a tactical victory on a peaceful nation, they severely underestimated both the strength of our military capability and the resolve of the American people.  With a swift declaration of war by the United States Congress, the world was plunged into global conflict that would claim millions of lives before the war ended in 1945. 

Few moments in American history carry as much symbolism as the attack on Pearl Harbor.  It not only conveys significance for the tragic loss of life that day but also continues to serve as a reminder to potential enemies that the world’s most powerful nation will rise to any challenge in defense of our freedom.

Please take a moment to remember those lives lost 82 years ago today.







Offer ends: Dec 7th, 2023